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Disseminating Information
AMFED serves as a platform to disseminate fair and balanced information for effective media coverage of significant sustainable development issues in the Arab region. As a regional media hub advocating in-depth development coverage, our regional network gives NGOs and media organizations the opportunity to draw on a wealth of local, regional and international knowledge and experience.

Capacity Building
A cornerstone of AMFED’s work is building collaborative relationships with multilateral organizations and establishing partnerships with national and regional media, civil society, the private sector, and government representatives. The strategy to promote partnership includes: organizing national and regional consultations; building the capacity of the media through networking channels; and forming productive and collaborative relationships with multilateral development organizations to empower the Arab media.

AMFED serves as an advocate on behalf of the media both to enable greater freedom of independent reporting and also encourage the media to act in a socially responsible way within society. AMFED holds the view that development is not simply the task of particular sectors, but rather must be an integral aspect of every part of society in order to achieve collective success.

Dialogue through Consultations
AMFED uses the “Media Consultations” approach to build the capacity of the media and to assist in the formation of a network of media professionals working towards a free and enabled media.  This participatory approach contains three essential characteristics: dialogue, thematic concentration, and partnership. Dialogue is emphasized as a means of learning and knowledge transfer. Themes and topics of each consultation are chosen in a participatory way with the relevant stakeholders involved in the process. Stakeholders are involved as full partners in the consultation process, as both a practical approach to learning by doing and as a way to identify solutions and develop action plans with their full commitment and support.

Each media consultation has a particular methodology, objectives and particular target group depending on the topic identified for discussion.  The strategy of the consultation is to bring together relevant stakeholders, discuss the relevant issues, devise action plans to address those issues, and promote the awareness of those issues by disseminating the information through extensive media coverage in the aftermath of the consultations. This works to transfer knowledge both among media practitioners and between media practitioners and the general public.


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